Here’s the challenge: Look at five to ten of the latest poems you wrote and find last lines that are rich with possibility for a new beginning. If none of your last lines leap out at you, simply pick one you like and use it for today’s prompt. It will be the first line (or two) of your brand new poem—long or short—that you write this weekend.
Life's weathered memories
wrapped in bridges of time...
wrapped in bridges of time...
arrive in newsprint n' sepia thoughts
woken by faded blooms
pressed in brittle yellowed pages
hints of pale pink hues scent
past whispers
Faded n' chipped pearls remember...
the dance of tender
green shoots filled
with spindly hope
cascading towards
the indigo destiny
Humble beginnings planted
fragile and young
tucked in a delicate quilt of'
lavender dreams
washed with
outlining the soul's
connected dots...
© Ellen Wilson